If you are running a business website, you have probably heard the advice that you should start a blog. The decision on whether or not to blog can be overwhelming. There are many things to consider. Do you have the time needed to manage it? Who will contribute? Will people actually read it?

The fact is, if you are running a business website without a blog, you are missing out on some major opportunities to engage your visitors and increase website traffic, which will lead to increasing your search ranking overall. In the world of tweeting, sharing, and liking we live in, where engagement with your customers is expected, blogs can be an essential tool for marketing your business. Here are a few reasons why blogging is so important.

Increase traffic to your website

A blog with high quality content can increase the traffic to your site in a number of ways. It gives you interesting information to share on your social media that links back to your website. It allows you to target specific topics so when someone is searching for information on that they will find your website. Plus, search engines love fresh content. Having a blog with regular updates provides this fresh content and can help your site rank higher overall.

You don’t have to be a web designer

With easy blogging platforms like WordPress, it is easy for anyone to create and publish a blog. It can be as simple as writing content, picking a catchy title, and scheduling to publish. Content Management Systems, like WordPress have made it possible for anyone with a basic level of computer knowledge to blog.

Blogging can build trust in your brand

By putting out regular content like a blog, you can become the place people come to when they have questions about your industry. This leads to building trust in the capabilities of your employees and the company overall. Potential customers will look to you as a reliable resource for information on your industry so when it is time to make a purchase they will come to you.

Gives you valuable social media content

This is another thing businesses can struggle with. The more active you are on social media, the more followers and interaction you will gain. In some industries it can seem difficult to find enough relevant information to share. Having a blog gives you this valuable content that you can share multiple times on your social media platforms. This information is extra valuable because it links back to your website. Great graphics make your blog posts even more share-worthy. Here is a beginners guide to making beautiful graphics.

You DO have the time

Working in a small business can be very busy. You might think that adding a blog would take up time that you don’t have. The good thing about blogging though is it isn’t all or nothing. Blogging once a month is better than not doing it at all.  Weekly is better than monthly, and daily is better than weekly. The blog posts don’t have to be long, the importance is the quality of information you are putting out. You can also spread out the responsibility so one person doesn’t have to generate all the content or even affordably outsource it to our content creation team.

Why Partner With Bauen Solutions?

Bauen Solutions is a full-service tech and digital marketing company with services including mobile app and website development based in Houston, Texas. We focus on the unique needs of small to midsize businesses. The websites are built in a user friendly content management systems making it easy for your team to make updates or maintain a company blog. Our team focuses on your brand’s personality to create a professional, modern, easy to navigate, conversion-focused website or mobile app that is structured to build brand loyalty and growing your market.